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10th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2024

Posted by Christy .. on 6/03/24

My Dear People,

Congratulations to all the graduates. May God bless you and guide you in your future undertakings. 

Congratulations to Msgr. Mark on his fiftieth anniversary in the priesthood. We thank him for his dedication and commitment. It has been a blessing to have him be part of ... Read More »

Corpus Christi 2024

Posted by Christy .. on 6/03/24

My Dear People, 

I am glad the Church has this very important and significant feast to celebrate. Jesus instituted the Eucharist at the last supper; however, at that time Jesus was concentrating on His passion and His death on the cross the next day—Good Friday. Thus, the Church wisely ... Read More »

The Most Holy Trinity, 2024

Posted by Christy .. on 5/20/24

My Dear People of God,

The doctrine of the Trinity means there is one God who eternally exists as three distinct Persons — the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Stated differently, God is one and three in person. These definitions express three crucial truths: The Father, Son, and Holy ... Read More »

Pentecost, 2024

Posted by Christy .. on 5/20/24

My Dear People,

The Feast of Pentecost is the celebration of the official beginning of the Catholic Church. Since the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles on that Pentecost Sunday, He has been guiding the Church so that the Church will survive all the attacks of the evil one. ... Read More »

Ascension of the Lord, 2024

Posted by Christy .. on 5/06/24

My Dear People,

The Gospel is Mark’s version of the famous “Great Commission” (Matt 28:16-20), often jokingly referred to as the “Great Omission,” because so often we, as Christians, fail to carry it out. Nonetheless, although great human failures have hindered the spread of the Church, the Body of ... Read More »

6th Sunday of Easter, 2024

Posted by Christy .. on 5/06/24

My Dear People, 

Today Jesus speaks to us about love. That word, often misunderstood, is explained in a variety of ways. The Greeks had at least three words for “love” – “Phila”, “Eros”, and “Agape”. “Phila” is the reciprocal brotherly love we share with our friends and family. “Eros” ... Read More »

5th Sunday of Easter, 2024

Posted by Christy .. on 5/06/24

My Dear People,

Today we have the true vine discourse. What is of importance to us is that the branches remain united to Jesus, the “true vine.”  This is a very important example. Jesus illustrates that anyone who is not with Jesus will wither and die. A branch not ... Read More »

4th Sunday of Easter, 2024

Posted by Christy .. on 4/15/24

My Dear People, 

Peter and John have been taken before the Sanhedrin (the Jewish combination Congress and Supreme Court) and are actually being tried for healing a man in the name of Jesus! This reminds us of Christians in contemporary society being prosecuted for doing what is right, e.g., ... Read More »

3rd Sunday of Easter, 2024

Posted by Christy .. on 4/09/24

My Dear People, 

            As we continue during the Easter Season, the Acts of the Apostles are read. They were written by Luke, who was a physician and knew Greek very well. Later, he followed Paul on his missionary journeys. For this reason, the latter part of the Acts ... Read More »

Divine Mercy Sunday, 2nd Sunday of Easter, 2024

Posted by Christy .. on 4/09/24

My Dear People, 

Congratulations to the candidates that entered the Catholic Church on the Easter Vigil.

As we begin the Easter Season, we begin to reflect on the Acts of the Apostles, and how the Christian community was from the very beginning of Christianity.  The text stresses the importance ... Read More »