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21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Christy .. on 9/05/19

My dear people,

When Jesus is asked if many will be saved, Jesus uses the example of the narrow gate. Many will try to go through it and will be unable to do so.  “A Christian’s struggle must be unceasing, for interior life consists in beginning and beginning again.  ... Read More »

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Christy .. on 8/21/19

My Dear People,

Jesus continues the focus on his coming: I have come to set the earth on fire.  This fire is different from what Elijah called down from heaven (9:54-55); 2 Kings 1:10). It is associated with a Baptism that Jesus still must receive: the words “fire” and ... Read More »

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Christy .. on 8/14/19

My Dear People,

Jesus mentions the parable about the servant waiting in order to instruct his disciples to be alert for his coming. He makes his point with short parables about servants awaiting the arrival of the master (vv 35-38), a household owner not knowing when the thief is ... Read More »

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Christy .. on 8/08/19

My Dear People,

An interruption from someone in the crowd leads to a change of subject away from teaching the disciples not to “worry” or “be afraid” about facing persecution. In response to the man’s demand that Jesus settle an inheritance dispute, Jesus declines with a question that hints ... Read More »

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Christy .. on 8/08/19

The passage took place. Luke again does not specify the exact location. The focus is not on where it happened but on what Jesus was doing: he was praying. The disciples, who are by now accustomed to seeing Jesus praying, are inspired to enter more deeply into prayer themselves. ... Read More »

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Christy .. on 8/08/19

My Dear People,

Since the parable of the good Samaritan emphasizes love of neighbor, many scholars suggest that this text passage instead highlights love of “the Lord your God” (10:27: see vv. 39-41), where the title Lord is again used for Jesus. Moreover, like the earlier list of women ... Read More »

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Christy .. on 8/08/19

My Dear People,

When Jesus sent the apostles two by two, he told them to bring no provision. That is, they were not to bring a thing that they needed. Why would Jesus send the apostles this way? Jesus requires them to be free of any form of attachment ... Read More »

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Christy .. on 7/10/19

My Dear People,

The mission of the Twelve points to the regarding of the twelve tribes of Israel. The sending out of this second group anticipates the mission to the Gentiles since seventy or seventy-two was the number of the Gentile nations (Gen 10; see Exod. 1:5; Deut. 32:8). ... Read More »

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Christy .. on 7/03/19

My Dear People,

Thank you, all the ones who participated in the procession on Corpus Christi, especially all the ones who prepared for it. It went well due to your efforts.

Significant events in Jesus’ life happen at the appointed times in accord with God’s plan. Here a turning ... Read More »

Corpus Christi

Posted by Christy .. on 6/26/19

My Dear People,


What was intended as a retreat in private soon became known, and the crowds followed Jesus and his apostles. He received or welcomed them, as they had welcomed him, and proceeded to minister to them in word and deed. A complication arises when the day ... Read More »