4th Sunday of Easter, 2022

My Dear People,

Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers! 

During the month of May we honor Mary. Why is Mary so important in our lives? She was the one chosen by God, to give birth to the Messiah, the Savior, the Son of God. God is all pure, therefore nothing impure or sinful can touch God.   Thus, God would not want His Son to be born from someone who was sinful. 

 Abraham was asked by God to go to the land of Moriah, and while there  sacrifice his son. Mount Moriah is sacred to the Jews because that was the place that Abraham sacrificed a ram to God after the angel held back the knife with which he was about to slay his son.

Naturally, it was later decided that Mount Moriah was the best place to have the Ark of the Covenant. The priests carrying the Ark centered it on poles which were inserted through loops on both sides, enabling it to be balanced while being transported. 

 But on the way there, the Ark was about to fall off the cart. Uzzah, who was accompanying the transfer of the covenant, tried to prevent it from falling, and reached to straighten it upright. Because he touched it with his hand, he was immediately struck dead. God is so pure that anyone who is sinful cannot touch God.

Mary, however, chose to live in the will of God, from the first moment of her spiritual conception. For this reason, when she was conceived physically in Ann, her mother, she was the Immaculate Conception--that is, conceived without any macula, which is sin or stain. 

 From that time on she accepted to be in the Will of God her whole life, and she never wanted to go out of the Divine Will. She was given the grace to do this. Mary, in her life, did not perform extraordinary acts. However, her whole life was extraordinary, because she was the only human who lived completely in the Divine will. Because of this, her ordinary actions brought more grace than a martyr who would die for Jesus. Her actions done in the Divine Will were meritorious. This means she does not concentrate on having grace for herself, but she brings everything to Jesus, especially when we pray to her. The individual who honors Mary and asks for her intercession, has their prayers brought directly to Jesus.  She makes our prayers more powerful, because as a mother she purifies our prayers. 

Do not be afraid to pray to Mary. Let Mary be your spiritual Mother, your protector, and your guide. She can help us fight spiritual battles because she was never defeated by sin. What a great intercessor we can have in Mary! 


Yours, through Jesus and Mary, 

Fr. Vincent Clemente    


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