My Dear People,
Solomon was a great king, but, more importantly, having no special birthright advantage, he chose to turn to God in prayer. God answered, and Solomon received prudence, which is another word for wisdom. It was clear to Solomon, wisdom is another expression for “God”. He rates wisdom above everything else; above gold, silver, and even priceless gems. He says that in comparison to wisdom, gold is like a little sand, and silver is to be accounted for mire. Solomon also realizes that all good things come together in her, including riches.
St Louis Marie DeMontfort says, “Eternal Wisdom is ever transcendent in beauty, by nature and loves everything that is good, especially the good that is in man.”
Then he adds: “That is why the Holy Spirit tells us Wisdom is forever seeking throughout the world for souls worthy of Him, and He fills these holy souls with His presence making them “friends of God and prophets.”
We read from Solomon’s own testimony: “When divine Wisdom enters a soul, he brings all kinds of good things with him and bestows vast riches upon that soul. In Chapter eight of “Love of Eternal Wisdom,” St. Louis mentions some of the marvelous effects of Eternal Wisdom on those souls who possess him.
- “Eternal Wisdom communicates his Spirit of enlightenment to the soul that possesses him.
- Wisdom gives humanity not only light to know the truth but also a remarkable power to impart it to others.
- Eternal Wisdom, besides being the object of the eternal Father’s delight and the joy of the angels, is also the source of purest joy and consolation for the one who possesses him.
- When Eternal Wisdom communicates himself to a soul, he gives that soul all the gifts of the Holy Spirit and all the great virtues to an eminent degree. They are the Theological virtues—lively faith, firm hope, ardent charity and many others.
- Finally, as “nothing is more active than Wisdom,” he does not leave those who enjoy his friendship to languish in mediocrity and negligence. He sets them on fire, inspiring them to undertake great things for the glory of God and salvations of souls.
Solomon found out that Wisdom is much greater than riches of the earth. And, we learn from the gospel, when Jesus, who is the “Eternal Wisdom,” tells the young man: “You are lacking one thing! Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven! Then, come, follow me,” the one thing he was lacking was none other than Eternal Wisdom.
Solomon received it through prayer and realized its immeasurable value. St. Louis De Montfort wrote about it and he said that we should seek this Eternal Wisdom more than anything else. He also stated, if we acquire it one hour before we die, it is well worth it!
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Vincent Clemente