20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022

My Dear People,

Jesus continues to focus on His coming: “I have come to set the earth on fire.”  This fire is different from what Elijah called down from heaven (9:54-55); 2 Kings 1:10). It is associated with a Baptism that Jesus still must receive. The words “fire” and “baptism” are emphasized in the Greek text as the first words in the two parallel sentences. John the Baptist had prophesied regarding the one who was “coming” who would “baptize…with the holy Spirit and fire” (Luke 3:16). The combination here of fire and baptism therefore looks forward to Jesus’ sending the tongues of fire at Pentecost, when the disciples will be baptized—that is, filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5). In the Father’s plan, this is the fire that will come down from heaven which Jesus longs to be blazing. Before the Spirit can be given in this way, however, Jesus must suffer “baptism” of His passion and death to fulfill the Scriptures. Having set His face toward Jerusalem, Jesus is hard-pressed with this mission until it is accomplished. 

John the Baptist, however, had also warned of a punishment by “fire” (3:9-17). The image thus signifies the judgment, as well, that will occur at the Son of Man’s coming (see 17:29:30). These two different aspects—giving of the Spirit and judgment—are not surprising since Jesus comes as a sign of contradiction. He comes offering peace to those who accept it, but since some reject that offer, He brings division. This division will even affect household relationships: father and son, mother and daughter, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Such was foretold by the prophet Micah: 

For the son belittles his father, the daughter rises up against her mother. The daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, and your enemies are members of your household. (Micah 7:6).

After the description of family strife, however, the prophet goes on to describe Israel’s regathering and restoration in Micah 7:12-15. Jesus foretells that there will be a time of tribulation in which Israel is divided over Him. This will be followed by a time of restoration at His second coming (see Acts 1:6; 3:18-21; Rom. 11:17, 25-26).  Jesus’ words apply to people of every nation. In choosing to follow Jesus, the disciples must be willing to bear with the divisions that may result among family and friends who do not share their commitment. 

We notice in the first reading how people did not want to heed the message of God. They intended to kill the prophet Jeremiah and threw him into a cistern.  The cistern, however, was dry, and they eventually pulled him out before he died. This same conflict occurs in many family situations. There are people who respond to the call of the Gospel. They will repent and make a commitment to follow the Gospel; however, even people in the same family will not want to make such a commitment. That would normally pose a problem when it comes to terms of faith.  Those who are opposed and don’t follow Christ are threatened by those who respond to Christ.   They want the family to back away and stop the commitment they made to follow Christ. 

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Vincent Clemente




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