14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022

My Dear People,

Happy Independence Day to everyone! Let us pray to God that the freedoms endowed by our creator may be preserved in this country. First, let us delve into the understanding of freedom.   It is a freedom to be who God created you to be. Freedom to express your faith--how you see fit, and wherever you see fit. Secondly, freedom to actualize your potential and to become who you are. Freedom to grow the way God wants you to grow, and not have some teacher dictate to youngsters how one should feel about his or her gender. It says in the Bible God created male and female. Period. God created humanity in the image and likeness of God.  

Today, there are people who want to distort that. There are people who have a strong agenda to indoctrinate children as young as four about sexual identity. Children do not think in these terms at such a young age, and therefore should not be subject to literature and lectures even adults find difficult to engage or ponder.  

When this country was being founded, George Washington attended a church (close to where the twin tower is now standing), and as he proceeded to lead this nation, he dedicated this country to God. He was originally asked to be the king as many people were still loyal to the English crown.  He refused! Why? He saw that having a king could easily result in tyranny as had happened in England. The founding fathers did not want this to happen here. It is not an accident that George Washington dedicated this country to God.    

The founding fathers knew it was not going to be easy to keep a republic. The people of the republic would have to be God-fearing people, and if they could uphold the law of God, then this republic could continue to exist. Thus began the first experiment in a government for the people, of the people, and by the people. 

There is strong evidence that this republic is eroding and is falling apart at the seams, especially by the people who want to implement the critical race theory and the critical gender theory. This kind of thinking does nothing to further the growth and unity of this republic. It continues to undermine all the values that we hold dear. Values such as choosing a gender, encouraged by a school teacher without informing the child’s parents. The teachers are superseding the authority of the parents. The parents are finally waking up and speaking up at school boards and demanding their right to oversee their child’s education.   

Some say that having charter schools is the solution. I say no. The whole system is evil.  It is demonic, and needs to be demolished. It undermines the principles of our faith. It undermines freedom of religion and freedom to express your preference of a religion. 

Many people are immigrating to this country. Some people come from countries where  freedoms are not possible, such as Cuba, China, and former Soviet Union Countries. They have observed what Marxist governments do and are doing. They are aware these same ideas are going on in our government and especially in our schools.  That is one of the reasons they left those countries.  

I am an immigrant.  I came here from Italy in 1962. I appreciate what this country stands for, and the freedom of enterprise and economic growth, unlike any other country. Is this government perfect?  Of course not. But what is being suggested today will turn this country into a Cuba, Venezuela, and the former Soviet Union. Countries where people are controlled. In those countries, one “who opposed the government” was sought after and eventually eliminated.

Today, we are in the precursor of elimination: we have the “cancel” culture. This means conservatives are not accepted in the general media platform. The ones spewing this rhetoric are acting from the Marxism playbook. They do not tolerate freedom of speech, or even freedom of religion. It is no accident drag queens are honored in the media more and more each day, and parents are not. Parents should be honored more for instilling in their children Christian values, avoiding mortal sin, and avoiding all forms of sex outside marriage.

In conclusion, pray for our country. Pray for our government leaders. Pray for the teachers that they may not indoctrinate children. Pray that our children are allowed to grow as God wants them to grow. 

There are people who have an agenda to bring down this country. I pray that they will never control what goes on in this country. I feel saddened that this country is transforming before our very eyes. I will pray that people will speak up and revolt against all this Marxist agenda and control.  Let us pray daily for this Country and hopefully, those who plan to undermine the Judeo-Christian values of this republic that has fared so well for over two hundred years, may not erode them.  

Jesus, Savior of the World, Save America

Yours in Christ.  

 Fr. Vincent Clemente