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As members of the Body of Christ, the parish of St. James, Lake Placid, Florida proclaims our belief in the message and mission of Jesus Christ. 

"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age." (Matt 28:19-20)

With God's Grace, the example of Jesus, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we seek to live out that belief as a community of worship, of shared faith and of service where each member shares with others the gifts and talents received from God.


Pope Francis on Twitter

Pope Francis smiling

"The Eucharistic bread speaks to us of a God who is not distant, but close and in solidarity with humanity; a God who does not abandon us but always seeks, waits for, and accompanies us, even to the point of placing himself, helpless, into our hands." -  The Pope on Twitter
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Mass Times

Summer Mass Schedule (June - September)
Saturday Vigil 4 PM
Sunday 9 AM
Winter Mass Schedule (October - May)
Saturday Vigil 4 PM
Sunday 8 AM and 10 AM
Weekdays (M - F) - 9:00 AM
First Saturday of Every Month
9:00 AM (with Anointing of the Sick)
Holy Days
7:00 PM Vigil, 9:00 AM Morning

Office Hours - For emergencies call 863-465-3215

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
9:00 am to 12 noon
12:30 pm to 3:00 pm

9:00 am to 12:00 noon

3380 Placid View Dr.
Lake Placid, FL 33852

 Fr. Vincent Clemente

Pastor, Fr. Vincent Clemente

Father Vincent came to the United States from Italy at the age of 15, where his family settled in the Cleveland, OH area. He has one sister. Father was ordained to the priesthood on May 8, 1976 and has previously served at St. Martha’s in Sarasota, FL and as pastor of St. Michael in Wauchula and St. Paul in Arcadia.

WELCOME, FATHER! We look forward to continued spiritual growth with you here at St. James!    

 Fr. Felix Gonzalez

Parochial vicar Fr. Felix Gonzalez

Fr. Felix Gonzalez, our newest parochial vicar, was born in Venezuela on September 18, 1953. He studied philosophy in Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies and theology at the Seminary “Santa Rosa de Lima,” Caracas, Venezuela. He was ordained on July 18th, 1981 at the .Archdiocese of Barquisimeto. He came to the United States 20 years ago and studied monastic spirituality in Worcester, MA and worked in different parishes in the Archdiocese of New York— Manhattan and the Bronx. During those years he studied in IONA College and graduated with a Masters in Science, majoring in pastoral counseling. After serving St. Leo for almost two and a half years, he is happy to embark on this new part of his spiritual journey.


Our commitment to a Safe Environment

As Christian adults, we have a moral and legal responsibility and are entrusted by God with the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of minors and vulnerable adults. St. James adheres to the Diocese of Venice's Safe Environment program. To learn more, visit: https://dioceseofvenice.org/offices/programs/safeenvironment/

Pope Francis' Letter to the People of God, regarding sexual abuse in light of the outcome of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury.


My Dear People, 

Today the reading refers to the suffering servants. In Chapter 53 of Isaiah, the servant is a light, a beacon in which Israel is to catch the attention of other nations; lead them to reflect on their situation, and to realize they, too, are also deserving. The purpose of the Exile was ultimately to bring about the conversion of the Gentiles. The mission of the Servant, to which the Jews were called, was to accept unmerited suffering in patient fidelity and so to serve as an example for all other nations. 

The Gentile nations did not react to the Jewish experience in the way the prophet hoped. Yet the model of the Servant has endured. It provides a way of explaining and making positive the sense of suffering, which is always a challenge to the human spirit.  It also suggests a style of evangelizing, not by conquering others but by bearing their burdens and setting an example. For Christians, this model was intensified by the example of Jesus, whose suffering and death were also understood as a sacrifice for the sins of others.

Our attitude should be that of Our Lord! We should seek to serve God and men with a truly supernatural outlook and not expect anything in return! We should serve even those who do not always appreciate the service we do! The Christian who identifies with Christ takes “pride” precisely in serving others. By so doing, one shares in Christ’s mission and thereby attains true dignity. This dignity is expressed in readiness to serve, and in keeping with the example of Christ; who came not to be served, “but to serve.” If, in the light of this attitude of Christ’s ‘being a king’ is truly possible only by ‘being a servant,’ then, ‘being a servant,’ demands much more spiritual maturity in order to be declared ‘a king.’  To be able to serve others worthily and effectively, we must be able to master ourselves, possess the virtues that make this mastery possible”! (John Paul II Redemptor Hominis, 21).  

Service is a very important element. In our lives, we outgrow many things, but  we will never outgrow the need for service. The most successful ones in business are the those who understand “service”  best. How do they do it? They make a point to anticipate the needs of customers and tell their employees to do the same. Those who excel in this, definitively get repeat business. Providing service is what makes some companies great. When the Diocese hosts the priests’ convocation at the Gasparilla Inn (which has been in business over 100 years), I always notice how cheerful the staff is. There is someone every day to greet one at the front door and to open the door for you.  

The Catholic church has made service an important element, also. Many hospitals have been opened and run by Catholic organizations. There are many schools, from elementary level to the college level, that are Catholic. When I was in India, a poor country, the sisters and the Catholic Church in the State of Kerala (the most Catholic State in India) operated the schools. The students wore uniforms and were from all religions. Likewise, the Sisters of the Poor run rehabilitation clinics and nursing homes.

The sense of service is very strong within the Catholic Church. We must always remember that no matter what we do and what position we hold, we are always servants. Whenever we serve someone, we are serving Christ himself.  Taking care of people are Corporal and Spiritual works of Mercy.   

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Vincent Clemente

Upcoming Events

OCTOBER 21st— Monday. RCIA, 6PM, Social Hall.

OCTOBER 22nd— Tuesday. Child. of Our Lady, 10AM, Social Hall.

OCTOBER 23rd— Wednesday. Bible Study, 10AM, Social Hall. Divine Will Study, 4PM, Social Hall. Confirmation Class, 7PM, Social Hall.

OCTOBER 24th— Thursday. Bible Study, 7PM, Social Hall.

OCTOBER 27th— Sunday. Faith Formation, 11AM, Social Hall. Last day to donate to Operation Christmas Child. 

OCTOBER 28th— Monday. 40 Days for Life caravan, 10AM. RCIA, 6PM, Social Hall.

OCTOBER 29th— Tuesday. Child. of Our Lady, 10AM, Social Hall. 

OCTOBER 30th— Wednesday. Bible Study, 10AM, Social Hall. Divine Will Study, 4PM, Social Hall. Confirmation Class, 7PM, Social Hall.

OCTOBER 31st— Thursday. Bible Study, 7PM, Social Hall. All Saints Day Vigil, 7PM, Church. 

NOVEMBER 1st— Friday. ALL SAINTS DAY Mass, 9AM, Church. Kraft Korner, 10Am-12PM, Social Hall.

NOVEMBER 2nd — Saturday. ALL SOULS DAY Mass, 9AM, Church. 

NOVEMBER 3rd— Sunday. Faith Formation, 11AM, Social Hall.



Fall themed Bible verse